SharePoint online interview question - How do you migrate running Out-of-Box (OOTB) workflow using Migration tool Sharegate, Quest Conent Matrix, Ave point.

Both the Quest Content Matrix and Sharegate migration tools can migrate Out-of-Box (OOTB) SP2013 workflows and SharePoint Designer workflows to SharePoint Online.

Quest Content Matrix

Quest Content Matrix does not have the option to migrate running workflows. This is because migrating running workflows can be complex and error-prone. Quest Content Matrix is designed to be a simple and reliable migration tool, and it is not optimized for migrating running workflows.

To migrate OOTB SP2013 workflows and SharePoint Designer workflows using Quest Content Matrix, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new migration job and select the "Migrate List Metadata" option.
  2. Select the SharePoint list that contains the workflows.
  3. Select the "Workflows" option in the "Metadata to Migrate" section.
  4. Click the "Next" button to continue.
  5. Review the migration summary and click the "Migrate" button to start the migration process.

Quest Content Matrix will copy all of the selected metadata, including workflows, to the destination SharePoint list.


To migrate OOTB SP2013 workflows and SharePoint Designer workflows using Sharegate, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new migration job and select the "Migrate SharePoint Workflows" option.
  2. Select the SharePoint site that contains the workflows.
  3. Click the "Scan" button to scan the site for workflows.
  4. Select the workflows that you want to migrate.
  5. Click the "Migrate" button to start the migration process.

Sharegate will copy all of the selected workflows to the destination SharePoint site.

It is important to note that migrating workflows can increase the migration time. Therefore, it is important to assess your needs and determine whether or not you need to migrate workflows.

Additional :

there are a few special steps that you need to take to migrate running workflows for both Quest Content Matrix and Sharegate:

Quest Content Matrix

  1. Before you start the migration, you need to stop all of the running workflows.
  2. After the migration is complete, you need to start the workflows manually.


  1. Before you start the migration, you need to take a snapshot of the running workflows.
  2. After the migration is complete, you need to restore the snapshot of the running workflows.

Here are the detailed steps for each step:

Quest Content Matrix

  1. Go to the SharePoint 2013 site where the running workflows are located.
  2. Click Site Actions > Manage site features.
  3. Deactivate the Workflows feature.
  4. Start the migration process.
  5. After the migration is complete, go to the SharePoint Online site where the workflows were migrated.
  6. Click Site Actions > Manage site features.
  7. Activate the Workflows feature.
  8. Manually start the workflows.


  1. Open Sharegate.
  2. Connect to the SharePoint 2013 site where the running workflows are located.
  3. Navigate to the list or library that contains the workflows.
  4. Select the workflows that you want to migrate.
  5. Click the Migrate button.
  6. In the Migrate dialog box, select the Migrate Running Workflows option.
  7. Click the Migrate button.
  8. Sharegate will take a snapshot of the running workflows and then start the migration process.
  9. After the migration is complete, Sharegate will restore the snapshot of the running workflows.


If you need to migrate running workflows, you can use a third-party workflow tool such as Sharegate or AvePoint Migration Accelerator. These tools provide specialized features for migrating running workflows.

Alternatively, you can manually migrate running workflows by following the steps below:

  1. Stop all of the running workflows on the source site.
  2. Migrate the workflows to the target site.
  3. Manually start the workflows on the target site.

Note: It is important to test the workflows thoroughly after the migration is complete to make sure that they are working properly.

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