Import the .csv file, and specify manually the headers

 Import the .csv file, and specify manually the headers, without column name in the file  $contents = Import-CSV ‘C:\Input.csv' -header("Employee ID", "Employee Name")# Web URL $webURL = “SITEURL here” $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity $webURL $listName = "ListNameHere"$list= $web.Lists["$listName"] # Iterate for each list column foreach ($row in $contents ) {     $item = $list.Items.Add();     $item["Employee ID"] = $row.GroupName     $item["Employee Name"] = $row.Permissions     $item.Update() } Write-Host -ForegroundColor green "List Updated Successfully"$web.Dispose()

SPFX - HTTPClient - Curd Operations - SharePoint list.

  Create solution in the name of SpfxCrud. ISpfxCrudProps.ts export interface ISpfxCrudProps {   description : string ;     context : an...